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Meet Intellirent, your new resource for fast & secure screening - plus, rental marketing!

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Resident retention remains a high priority, and these five incentives can help earn renewals.

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Rental rates and for-sale home prices continued to climb during Q2 but at a slower pace than previous record-breaking quarters.

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Inflation ran higher than the consensus forecast, which called for a slight monthly decline in headline CPI and a 0.3% increase in core CPI.

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Check out this month’s Minute Advocate where NAA’s SVP of Government Affairs Greg Brown will digest the latest advocacy news in just around a minute.

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Institutional capital investment in single-family-rental (SFR) acquisitions and build-to-rent (BTR) projects is growing by leaps and bounds.

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Inflation surprised in a pleasant way, rising 8.5% year-over-year, below consensus forecasts. Prices were flat on a monthly basis, the best reading...

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Apartment demand is expected to soften between 2022-2035 and approximately 3.7 million units will be needed by 2035 to meet demand, about 266,000...

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Here are a few links from the National Apartment Association to keep you up-to-date on everything related to advocacy, from our state to federal.

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While inflation was red-hot during the second quarter, the apartment industry showed signs of cooling.

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Check out this month’s Minute Advocate where NAA’s SVP of Government Affairs Greg Brown will digest the latest advocacy news in just around a minute.

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Once again, the headline inflation number beat analysts’ expectations, rising 9.1% year-over-year (unadjusted) and 1.3% over the month.

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