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State Convention 2023

Two Incredible Days filled with Education and Trade Show

Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 8:00 AM (CDT) to Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 5:00 PM (CDT)
1 Seat Remaining

* Registration open until 10/16/23 at 5:00 PM (CST)

Event Details

Bringing you an outstanding array of education!

Wednesday, Oct. 18th

8:30 am - 11:30 am: Property Management Safety Program Basics, (3R) In Person or Virtual    Mandi Zigmond-Reinke, Lloyd Companies.

Do you need a safety program but have no idea where to start? We will discuss why you need a safety program for risk management and emergencies. Then, we will walk you through an emergency action plan with a safety-first culture.

10 am - 11:30 am:  Housing & Human Trafficking, (1.5R) Melissa Morehead, Call to Freedom.

Defining the types of trafficking, how you can spot it, and who to contact.

10 am - 11:30 am: Maintenance Customer Service, Brian Wilhite, Wilhite Services.

Customer service session specifically for your maintenance, cleaning, grounds, and landscaping personnel.

Noon: Round Table lunch (1.5R) with an emcee.

Enjoy lunch as we discussed topics covering maintenance, processes, evictions, etc.

1 - 4 pm: Trade Show opens

4 pm - 6 pm: Property Showcase, tour three properties around Sioux Falls (locations TBD)

Thursday, Oct. 19th

8:30 am - 10 am: Bully in the Workplace, (1.5E) Maria Pietroforte

Bullying in the workplace happens more often than you think. One in four employees have experienced workplace bullying. Bullying can
be subtly masked but still damaging. It often goes unreported out of fear, and others are unsure of what conduct constitutes bullying.

In this intimate session, we will examine what workplace bullying is. Uncivil & toxic behavior. You will acquire practical guidelines,
communication skills & powerful ways to not be a victim.

8:30 am - 10 am: Profit Maximization, (1.5R) In Person or Virtual                    Ryan McKnight & Joe Santos (SDSU)

Learn the seven steps to maximize profits on your rental property(s), from understanding real estate economics to tenant selection, taxes, insurance, maintenance, and amenities.

10:15 am - 11:45 am: Regulation and Policy for Property Management, (1.5R) In Person or Virtual Brittany McKnight (SDSU)

This session is for anyone who owns or manages rental property(s). We will discuss zoning, agency law, legal issues, fundraising, acquisitions and investments, tax law, and tax issues for real estate and income.

10:15 am - 11:45 am: Power of Experience, (1.5E) Think3D

11:45 am - 1 pm: Lunch with Keynote Maria Pietroforte: Leadership is a Choice - Not a Title

1 pm - 2:30 pm: Game Changing Branding, Social Media & Reputation Management, (1.5E) Maria Pietroforte

Your customers, investors, employees, and competitors search the web and on social media. Do you want them to formulate an
opinion of you without knowing the real you? What do people say about you, your company, your property? Do they view you the way
you want them to see you? Are your reputation scores what you desire?

In this session, we will speak to the above questions. Plus, dig into content strategy, frequency & posting, and growing your network. You will
glean a thriving brand persona to amplify your social media, improve reputation scores, and spark interest & following of your brand.

1 pm - 2:30 pm: Mold: How Much is Too Much? (1.5R) In Person or Virtual     Fred McGuire, ServiceMaster.  

In these 90 minutes, you will get a fast-paced briefing on mold and its effects on buildings and people.  Some information will surprise you! 

This includes many tips for what you can do and when to call for help.

2:45 pm - 5 pm: Fair Housing & Beyond, (2.5R) In Person or Virtual                 City of Sioux Falls

We will look at the protected classes, federal and state. Also, harassment, ESA's, and reasonable accommodations.

For More Information:

South Dakota Multi-Housing Association Logo PO Box 90327
Sioux Falls, SD 57109

VIRTUAL Options have been added

Trade Show Map

Thank you to our Diamond Sponsors: 


Thank you to our Platinum Sponsors


PS Garage Door        Real Property Management Express

Thank you to our Educational Sponsors


     The Dryer Vent Cleaning Company

Thank you to our Silver Sponsors       Bank Midwest

Plumbing & Heating Wholesale           ServiceMaster Professional Services

Bill Thompson          Tate Teveldal              Andy Ainslie

Property Meld