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State Convention 2022

Two Incredible Days filled with Education and Trade Show

Thursday, October 20, 2022 to Friday, October 21, 2022
23 Seats Remaining

* Registration open until 10/18/22 at 5:00 PM (CST)

Event Details

Online Registration is closed. Register at the event

Thursday & Friday, Oct 20th & 21st


We are finalizing a couple of sessions. 

CEC's have been applied for.


8 - 11: Managing HR When You Have NO HR Professional on Staff, Recruiting & Retention of Employees - Dan Oakland, Alternative HR

In every business, some people wear multiple hats! In small businesses, HR is one of the hats that owners, operators, and managers typically wear. Trying to find and keep people, plus complying with all of the state and federal employment regulations, is critical

8 - 9:30:  Social Media Marketing for Rental Housing Managers: A Smart Property Management Strategy in Today’s Competitive Market. 

In today's climate of limited face-to-face interaction, social media has become an integral communication channel that can help you attract new residents and retain current ones by leveraging content marketing strategies on platforms such as Facebook or Instagram. This workshop is specifically developed to provide information on how can use these channels successfully!

9:30 - 11:  Relationship Marketing - Tara Allen, Allen Edge

Learn the proven systems and techniques to grow your business Relationships, Reviews, & Referrals.

11:15 - 12:20:  Lunch with John Small of Sunny Radio

12:30 - 2:30: 

  • HVAC Tips & Tricks - Nate Klemm & TJ Thomas, Midwestern Mechanical
  • Risk Management: Protecting People, Property, and Reputation - Rich George, NOI

2:30:  Trade Show Opens (Click HERE for a map)

3:30:  MAINTENANCE MANIA (separate registration)

6 pm:  Property Tour (The Silo's, 29 Flats, and 3rd stop TBD)


8 - 11: Fair Housing For The Real World - Julie Westhoff, Costello Compliance

8 - 9:30:  Property Management in the Metaverse - Jonathan Heiberger, BitGo 

9:30 - 11: Energy Savings - Southeastern Energy.  Water Heater maintenance; EV; move in/move out; disconnects and pre-pay

11:15 - 12:15:  Lunch with Holly Hoffman

1 - 4:

  • Housing & Vulnerable Populations - human trafficking; child endangerment; drugs and alcohol
  • Progress to Success - "Wants, Work and Wins" (Leadership Lyceum - open to everyone) with Think3D

For More Information:

South Dakota Multi-Housing Association Logo PO Box 90327
Sioux Falls, SD 57109

Al a Carte for those wanting to attend 1 or 2 sessions

Thank you to our Sponsors: