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Maintenance Mania VIRTUAL

Join in the fun with this years VIRTUAL event

Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 12:00 AM (CDT) to Friday, July 17, 2020 at 1:00 AM (CDT)

Event Details


NAA is now accepting online competitor applications for the first ever MMNC Virtual. This competition is open to all apartment maintenance technicians working in the field a minimum of 32 hours per week and employed by a community in good standing with their local association or an NAA Direct Member. You can access the online competitor application form here.

What you need to know:

  • Deadline date for online competitor applications is July 17.
  • Once the call for applications closes on July 17, NAA will provide all affiliates with their members’ applications received and a scoring system they can use to determine ONE candidate to compete on their behalf.*
  • Each competitor selected from their local affiliate will go on to compete in Round 2. Full details for all rounds of MMNC Virtual can be found here.

NAA is inviting all affiliate members to participate in this year’s virtual event, regardless of whether they hosted an in-person event earlier this season. To encourage your maintenance professional members to apply, please utilize the attached sample email, participant sign, and social media post text to promote Round 1 of #MMNCVirtual. Additional logos, website banner ads, flyers, and social media graphics are available for your use here.

As a reminder, the registration fee to attend the 2020 Maintenance Mania National Championship is complimentary to all. While registration is not required to apply to compete in MMNC Virtual, it is strongly encouraged. Please make sure to register your team for the event and share the registration page with your members to obtain the largest virtual cheering section.